即墨柳腔______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________即墨柳腔丨JIMO LIUQIANG OPERA客户 Client / 即墨市柳腔剧团 JIMO LIUQIANG OPERA 服务 Service / 品牌视觉形象 Brand VI 即墨柳腔是青岛地区独有的一个比较古老的地方剧种。它始于清朝乾隆年间,是从山东境内广泛流传的“本肘鼓”的基础上演变而来的,源于即墨西部的沽河流域,流传于胶东地区,距今已有200多年的历史。 即墨市在1956年成立了专业的“即墨柳腔剧团”,从此,柳腔艺术事业进入了发展的鼎盛时期。1959年,青岛市柳腔剧团应邀进京,并三进中南海怀仁堂,向中央领导和戏剧界知名人士及首都人民汇报演出《割袍》、《赵美蓉观灯》等剧目,获得极大成功,演职人员受到党和国家领导人刘少奇、周恩来、陈毅等的亲切接见和热情鼓励,得到了郭沫若、田汉、老舍、梅兰芳等一大批文化名人的肯定和赞扬。 1989年1月,即墨市柳腔剧团创作的大型现代戏《恩爱之间》,应邀进京演出。《人民日报》、《光明日报》、《北京日报》、《文汇报》、《中国青年报》、《戏剧报》等报刊都发表了评论文章,给予了很高的评价,把柳腔誉为“胶东之花”。从此即墨柳腔这一地方剧种,以它独特的艺术魅力,扬名全国。原文化部部长黄镇、朱穆之也先后莅临即墨,在观看了柳腔剧团的演出后,高度评价了即墨柳腔的艺术性和观赏性。文化部代部长、著名诗人贺敬之在观赏即墨柳腔之后,也即兴写下了“杯接田单饮老酒,醉人乡音听柳腔”的精彩诗句。1992年即墨市柳腔剧团获得文化部颁发的“天下第一团”称号;2004年,即墨市被山东省文化厅授予“山东省民间柳腔艺术之乡”称号;2008年即墨市被文化部授予“柳腔戏艺术之乡”称号;即墨柳腔以它独有的艺术魅力为即墨人民赢得了殊荣,已经成为即墨的一张通行古今的“文化名片”。即墨柳腔传统的剧目很多,有《罗衫记》、《花灯记》、《西京》、《状元与乞丐》等120多部。它的底蕴深厚,语言具有鲜明的地方特色,不仅通俗易懂而且极具生活气息,备受群众喜爱。即墨市柳腔剧团是该剧种全国唯一的专业艺术表演团体。2008年6月即墨柳腔被国务院公布为国家级非物质文化遗产名录。 Jimo liuqiang is an ancient local opera unique to Qingdao.It began in the qianlong period of the qing dynasty, evolved from the "Ben tugu" widely spread in shandong province, originated from the west of jimo river basin, spread in jiaodong region, has a history of more than 200 years.Jimo city in 1956 set up a professional "jimo liukang troupe", from then on, liukang art into the development of the heyday.In 1959, Qingdao LiuQiang troupe was invited into Beijing and SanJin zhongnanhai HuaiRenTang, to the central leaders and celebrities and the capital theatre people report show cut robe, "zhao semillon view lamp" and so on, has had tremendous success, liu shaoqi, zhou enlai staffs by the party and state leaders, to encourage enthusiasm and had a cordial meeting with Lin piao, backed by guo moruo, tien han, Lao she, mei lanfang, a large number of cultural celebrities affirmation and praise.In January 1989, the large-scale modern drama between love and affection created by liuqiang troupe of jimo city was invited to Beijing for performance.People's Daily, guangming daily, Beijing daily, wen wei Po, China youth daily, drama daily and other newspapers have published commentary articles, giving high praise, liuqiang as "the flower of jiaodong".From then on, jiimuangqiang this local drama, with its unique artistic charm, known throughout the country.The former minister of culture huang zhen and zhu mu zhi also came to jimo successively. After watching the performance of liukang troupe, they spoke highly of the artistry and appreciation of liukang.He jingzhi, a famous poet and acting minister of the ministry of culture, impromptu wrote a wonderful poem "drink old wine in jiatian alone, intoxication people listen to liuqiang" after viewing jimo liuqiang. In 1992, liuqiang troupe of jimo city was awarded the title of "the best troupe in the world" by the ministry of culture.In 2004, jimo was awarded the title of "hometown of folk liuqiang art in shandong province" by shandong provincial department of culture.In 2008, jimo was awarded the title of "hometown of liuqiang opera" by the ministry of culture.Jimo liuqiang has won the honor for jimo people with its unique artistic charm, and has become a "cultural card" of jimo in ancient and modern times.There are a lot of traditional plays in jimino-liuqiang, such as luo shan ji, flower lantern ji, xijing, number one scholar and beggar and so on.Its profound inside information, the language has the distinct local characteristics, not only easy to understand and has the life breath extremely, is loved by the masses.Jimo liuqiang troupe is the only professional art performing group in China.In June 2008, jimo liukang was listed as a national intangible cultural heritage by the state council. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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